Sunday, 22 July 2018

Corrèze en fête

Since May, Corrèze (village and department) has become increasingly active and so have we. To the point of near exhaustion this week. Since last Saturday:

  • Saturday 14th - Bastille Day celebrations
  • Sunday 15th - Aubazine vide-grenier
  • Monday 16th - night market
  • Wednesday 18th - evening was through the village by the local history society
  • Thursday 19th - concert in the church

The Bastille day celebrations were excellent, culminating in a great firework display.

'Marché de pays' are quite common in this area, they take place in the evening with local producers setting up their stalls. Usually sponsored by a local society who provide a bar, barbecue facilities, fries and desserts. You can buy meat from a farmer, take it to the bbq to be cooked and enjoy a sociable evening with friends in the square. As always there is music as well. There are another two planned for this summer.

We are lucky to have a very active local history society and they are running evening walking tours around the village. This week we started from the Chapelle Notre Dame du Port du Salut, led by Pierre Clara and accompanied by a local, and very talented, accordionist Mathieu Martinie. My French isn't good enough to understand everything but I did OK, particularly with help from a friend. There was much laughing when we got to the church as the English have burnt it down in the past!

The church was the setting for Thursday's concert by talented duo the Duo Lyria. Their music was beautiful, we were all enchanted and hope that they return.

There were some other concerts we didn't make and of course we are still working on the barn.
I am amazed at how much happens, coming up we have a bread and myrtille festivals, more concerts and evening walks. There is a whole page in the Marie's latest bulletin of 'manifestations' in our village alone. It's turning out to be a busy summer!

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