Sunday, 25 March 2018

Barn concept board

I was able to set a few hours aside this week to design the concept board for the barn. I wouldn't normally do one board for a whole house but I need to achieve a flow across the two floors. It doesn't mean that each room will be identical, different spaces will take specific elements from the concept.

The barn concept board
I started off with a list of 'feelings' for the barn:

  • Welcoming
  • Comfortable
  • Natural
  • Relaxing
  • Hygge
  • Restorative
  • Energising
  • Stylish
  • Rich
  • Calm
  • Indulgent

Some of these were very similar so they went, and some jarred. Finally I selected relaxing, indulgent and restorative. These are how I hope visitors will feel when staying in the barn.

Next step was my image bank, initially about 45 images that eventually became 6. Again more than I would normally choose but it is the whole building.

I now have a basis for design, colours, textures and overall feel so am feeling much happier. I can start designing the spaces and sourcing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharon. We also lived in Norfolk (and renovated our home) until last August when we moved to a barn in the Limousin.


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